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User Safety Handbook

February 2025


The driving force for the Safer Internet India coalition is to make the internet a safer space for all. To that end, this User Safety Handbook has been written in order to help users navigate the digital world securely. 


The Handbook aims to be a user-friendly yet comprehensive guide that gives insights on the common scams & frauds that an Indian internet user might encounter. It gives a curated list of do’s and don’ts for safe surfing and secure browsing, and details out the key foundational pillars for trust and safety on the internet. Finally, it provides industry best practices, where top technology firms show how they are leading the way in online safety. 


This Handbook comes at the right time: online scammers are getting increasingly more sophisticated, while most of the 900 million Indians accessing the internet lack even the basic digital skills. There is an urgent societal need to tackle the growing instances of online scams, cyber threats, and data breaches. Internet users can safeguard themselves and their loved ones from online harm by understanding the basic techniques detailed in the Handbook.

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